How to place an order
Find the product you wish to buy.
Pour a coffee, relax and browse African Ostrix for that special bag, purse or wallet. You will find a search box in the top right corner of the navigation bar. Each product page has a filter option on the left hand side. Here you can get more specific with colors and price.
Add to cart.
Now that you found the product/s you want to buy? Simply Click on Add to cart button. Your shopping cart contains all the products you have selected to buy. Once you’ve added a product to your shopping cart, you can go back and keep searching and adding more items to your cart. You can access your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the black shopping cart icon in the top right corner of any page on the African Ostrix website.
- Click the green Checkout button after you’ve reviewed the items in your shopping cart.
- If asked, sign in to your account or create a new account if this is your first order with us.
- Review your order details and complete payment.
Why should I buy online?
- Carrying things in a million bags is so 2012.
- Nothing beter than sitting down with a glass of red wine an browsing for that special something.
- Buying and sending gifts to family and friends just so effortless
- You can surprise the love of your life with them not knowing you bought something.
- Do research and checkout the reviews.
- Avoid the crowds! No busy parking lots or packed shopping malls.
- It’s just so much more convenient and easy. Don’t even have to get out of your sleep suite.
Ordering for someone else
Just let us know and we will even add a complimentry card.
Cancelling your order
See our terms and conditions here.